Allergy Skin Testing

Allergy test plays a pivotal role in Allergy diagnosis and treatment. Allergy Tests are used to confirm clinical sensitivity induced by aeroallergens, foods, some drugs, a few chemicals, and Hymenoptera venom.

Vaccines Highly recommended for Asthmatics

An allergy test can be broadly divided into two groups-


Allergy Blood test


Allergy prick test

Allergy Prick Test

Allergy Prick Test- In Allergy prick testing a small quantity of allergen is introduced through the patient’s skin and results are seen in the form of wheal flare reaction in 10 to 20 minutes.Skin prick testing can be performed by various methods for example Intradermal test,Scratch test and modified skin prick test.
Modified prick testing method is most commonly used by the Allergists all over the world. In comparison with other methods it is least painful,safe and accurate

What are the indications of allergy test?

Allergy test is advised in the following disease conditions-


Allergic Rhinitis


Food Allergy


Hymenoptera ( Insect bite) hypersensitivity




Atopic dermatitis

Is there any factor that can affect Allergy prick testing results?

Intake of oral anti histamine within a week of Allergy test can give false negative results.So that patient is advised to withdraw antiallergic medicines at least a week before the test.

Local use of steroid cream at the site of allergy prick testing for example forearm and back alter the allergy test results.

Age-infancy or old age

Sex -no difference

Race-wheeling more in blacks

Circadian rhythm peak in late evening

Seasonal variation pollen allergy

Skin condition-skin eczema

Other condition-diabetic neuropahthy

*Skin test can be performed even at one month of age


SPT is a simple, safe and quick test, providing results within 15-20 minutes. This will enable you to receive a diagnosis and management plan at your appointment.

Skin prick testing is done demonstrates an allergic response to a specific allergen. SPT can help to confirm the presence of an allergy to pollen, food, dust, mites, moulds and animal dander’s.

The skin prick test introduces a tiny amount of allergen into the skin, eliciting a small, localized allergic response, in the form of a wheal (bump) and flare (redness) at the site of testing. These tests can be carried out on all age groups, including babies. The test allergens are selected following a discussion with your clinician and based on your history.


The patient needs to avoid taking anti-histamines and certain other medications before the test.

Antihistamine should be stopped at least 5 to 7 days before the testing

Tricyclic anti depressant and atypical antipsychotic drugs should be taper down if required a wk before the testing.

Beta blockers should be stopped in all instances 24 hour before the testing

Medications and the period of abstinence before SPT

Potential Risks of Non-Specialist Care


Misinterpretation of test results




Costly and unnecessary allergen avoidance measures


Over diagnosis


Over prescription of medications and treatments

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